Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence attorney Ane Murphy can help with restraining order

Protecting Yourself Against a Violent Partner

Domestic, dating and sexual violence are costly and pervasive problems in this country, causing victims, as well as witnesses and bystanders, in every community to suffer incalculable pain and loss. In addition to the lives taken and injuries suffered, partner violence shatters the sense of well-being that allows people to thrive and can also cause health problems that last a lifetime, and diminish a child’s prospects in school and in life. Domestic violence is defined as the abuse that is committed against an adult or a minor who is a spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, or person with whom the suspect has had a child or is having or has had a dating or engagement relationship. The United States has made progress in the last few decades in addressing this violence, resulting in welcome declines — but there is more work to do to implement the strategies that hold the most promise. These include teaching the next generation that violence is wrong, training more health care providers to assess patients for abuse, implementing workplace prevention and victim support programs, and making services available to all victims including immigrants and children who witness violence.

If you have been a victim of domestic violence or know someone how has been victimized, contact Ane Murphy, a domestic violence attorney. She will explain your legal options and assist you in obtaining a restraining order (if necessary).

To learn about solutions to domestic violence in Silicon Valley or Santa Clara County, visit the non-profit website for more information.